I had read occasional snippets of information about the Race Across America - but until reading this book I really did not have any idea about the intensity and insanity of this event. Hell on Two Wheels follows the RAAM solo event in which racers make their way thousands of miles across the USA as quickly as possible - no stages (like in most other bicycle races) and with the clock always running. The result is an insane endurance event where sleep deprived - sometimes hallucinating - racers are forced to push thru incredible amounts of pain to race at all hours in what is perhaps the toughest official endurance event in the world. In spite of the challenges of covering RAAM - no stages or nightly stops to take advantage of and contestants who are spread out over hundreds of miles - Amy Snyder does a great job of documenting the race and giving you a hint at the feeling of being there!
Rating: 5 of 5 First Read Date: June 2011