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Arizona Trail Cienega Corridor Construction

Created by cmiles on 5/7/2007.

On Satruday I went with some friends from the Summit Hut to help build a small piece of the Arizona Trail as part of the Cienega Corridor Construction Project!

I have not done any trail work before so I was happy to get plenty of help from the crew leaders and other volunteers. Once we finished we took a satisfying walk over the finished trail section and had a tasty lunch provided by Beyond Bread.

Two more AZ Trail Links: Cycling the Arizona Trail (by Scott Morris, one of the authors of TopoFusion - a sponsor of the Cienega Corridor Construction Project) and Dave's Arizona Trail eBook.

2007 May Dave Baker working hard on the Ariona Trail
2007 May Dave Baker working hard on the Ariona Trail. Charles Miles. 5/5/2007.
2007 May Charles and Alison Working on the AZ Trail
2007 May Charles and Alison Working on the AZ Trail. Charles Miles. 5/5/2007.
2007 May Summit Hut Trail Building Crew at an AZ Trail Building Event
2007 May Summit Hut Trail Building Crew at an AZ Trail Building Event. Charles Miles. 5/5/2007.


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